Heyyo people,
its been a long time since i last blog. So im gonna start on the awesome friday.
Last friday:
The day when the whole class (e3s) where half uniform to school. Supossedly we get the choice to wear wither white or black top. Got a text from the chairman at around 5 plus or 6 plus that we can wear another colour which is blue so make it a white, black and blue theme. I was actually happily trying everything out but in the end, some of us (including me) received a text from syafiq at around 10 plus saying that there's a last minute change which is only blue and white theme. I was so pissed. But nehmind. Luckily i got only one white top which is completely acceptable for me since i have no blue tops except for a blue hoody dress. So went to school the next day with aevorie as usual. Then met Coey at the bus stop. She wore white too. Both of us were totally pissed. And jealous of those who were in black. I should have just pretended as if i didnt get the text and wore black. So waited a while for yan ting. Then walked in to school with yan ting and coey. Sat down. Ms thang wore blue. LOLs. Luckily my siblings and winson wore white except for xi en. That day no birthday celebration for march babies like us. Went into class. Put the big birthday card that i made for zi kai under his table as that day was his birthday. Then write a note on a piece of foolscap paper telling him about the card and wishing it to him. Ohyah. I wished him when i saw him while i was walking inside the school past the toilets. He said the card was sweet. Hehs. Im touched and relieved that he like it. Had so much fun. At first ger wore a plain white tshirt but then she changed into sarah's white tshirt that looks way better than the previous one. After school waited for germaine in the library with winson and zi kai while she finish up her home ec test. Played a fool in the library. Damn fun. Then we played the mute game. Me and ger irritated and annoyed winson cause we were distracting him whie he was trying so hard to concentrate reading a page/chapter on the Bermuda Triangle. Went to mama shop after that. Waited for winson and ger to finished up the maggi. Me and zi kai just ate some biscuits while waiting for them. Jerry came after we finished. He waslked with us but he's going to school and we were walking to the bus stop to take a bus to zi kai's house. Reached there. Zi kai showed us some of his magic tricks. Quite cool. Hahas. He amazed me and ger. Then we 3 went down to buy some things while winson played ps3 (i think). Went up. Sat at the living room. Watched Rush Hour 3 at first. Then winson came and sat with us when it was at the funny part. The part about " what's your name. --> i'm you.". Hahahas. so damn funny. Then decided to watch 200 pounds of beauty after watching that funny bits. The 22 pounds of beauty damn sweet, funny, cute and touching lehs. Hahas. I love the song maria sang by Kim a jung. Its been 2 years since i last heard that song. It feels so good to be able to listen to it again. Then after that we played "poker". Played indian poker and another game of poker. Not sure what's the name for the other game. Hahas. Germaine so lucky hor. Me and germaine only camwhored once. The picture below is the one that we took. Hahas. Damn cute and sweet. ((: Then tried hotel 626. But we failed cause we tried logging in and and we accidentally put and invalid birthdate. Then we decided to watch a video on youtube about it. Quite scary lehs. Zi kai, winson and ger ran off before even watching it fully. So i ran away too. Hahas. I was too scared to watch it alone. :P Went home at around 6 plus. Reached home at around 7 plus. Washed up and slept until the next morning. Whoa. I was totally "dead to the world". hahas.
Woke up. Went to eat breakfast and a mama shop near out neighbourhood place. Went home after that. But before that, bought some stuffs to cook special meal for my 2nd brother cause it was his birthday! Cleaned up the house when at home already. I put up much effort cleaning and folding all my clothes in the wardrobe. Hahas. Took a whole lots of time. Lazy elaborate much.
Woke up at around 7.10 a.m. Bathe and get ready to go madrasah. I was really lazy to go madrasah. No mood. So i was pouting the whole time. Pissed my parents off. But stull i was forced to go. Gah! annoying you know. But nehmind. 1st brother fetched me after madrasah. Cleaned up the house as usual. But i was slacking a lot more than i was last saturday. Read a book that we had kept for years. The book is called Olive's Story by Erich Segal. The story is damn sad and touching too. Hahas. Then at night, my cousins and aunty came to discussed about her engagement. Brother's gonna get engaged too on the 18th of July. The day after my honey mummy's (SARAH) birthday. ((: Watched transformers. Wanna watch Transformers 2 yesterday too but the next day which is today, my dad's working morning shift. So yeah, cant watch.
Woke up at around 9 plus. Took my own sweet time bathing and ended bathing at around 10 plus. So damn long. But i dont care. :D Watched Jennifer's body but the dvd like stuck halfway watching so decided to watch tv instead. Got The Wriggles ( dun care how it's spell). Weird but funny. Stop watching at around 3 plus. Listened to some musics. And here i am, blogging a lot.
Gonna end here now. Currently my dude, casanova, is chatting with him. So weird. Long time havent chat with him. So byebyes.

(germaine and i --> sisters' love)